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Analytical Control Systems, Inc.

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All WebPages' contents are © 2002 Analytical Control Systems, Inc.
Many of Analytical Control Systems, Inc. products are covered by US and foreign patents or patents pending.

Product Information & Related Research Highlights

Analytical Control Systems, Inc. offers a wide variety of innovative products.  Some of our products are cutting edge and research always continues.  As research becomes available, we make an attempt to provide our customers with it.  Find the products that interest you and click below to see more data, see our index of research for each product or search for keywords! Computer.gif (4899 bytes)


The Slide Platelet Aggregation Test (SPAT™ ) or Platelet Aggregometry Assay (PAA™)

A new tool is available in platelet monitoring and platelet research-- an innovative, truly soluble, patented platelet aggregation reagent.  Product information.  Research: SPAT and Bleeding Time, SPAT and other Platelet Reagents, PAA and Aspirin, PAA and Reopro and more.

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The Activated Plasma Clotting Time (APCT™) Test

The Activated Plasma Clotting Time is much like the standard ellagic acid APTT test.  However, the reagent for this test is soluble, stable and needs no platelet factor 3 (phospholipid) substitute.  APCT™ is valuable in PF3 reserves platelet unit viability screening and more.   Product information.

APCT/APTT Lupus Anticoagulant Test

The ACS APCT/APTT Test is an innovative test for screening for the Lupus Anticoagulant.  Made possible by the discovery of a new reagent that does not need phospholipid to activate the intrinsic pathway, a new approach to Lupus testing is available.  Now it is possible to know more with a simple set of APTT-like determinations.  Product information, screening, titration and more.

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Ultra-1™ PT Reagent

Ultra-1™ PT Reagent is a new Prothrombin Time Reagent that is insensitive to Factor VII.  This insensitivity gives it a greater correlation with anticoagulation of patients because it eliminates the masking effect of the VII.  Catalog Information, research.


Click on an index to explore each product:

Index_of_Research.gif (2338 bytes)

Spectra APCT

Spectra APTT


Ultra-1 PT Reagent


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Copyright © 2002 Analytical Control Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 11, 2002.