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Analytical Control Systems, Inc.

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Fishers, IN 46038


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Many of Analytical Control Systems, Inc. products are covered by US and foreign patents or patents pending.

Serum Controls


Lactic Dehydrogenase/ Creatinine Phosphokinase Control and Calibrator

ACS’s human enzyme controls are prepared in a stabilized serum base and perform in most currently run procedures such as  immuno-precipitation quantitation. OEM customers may pick from a wide range of LD1/CKMB levels. The ACS staff can set the values for both the fractions and the total in a range from normal to highly elevated. The lyophilized calibrators can also be formulated to customer specification. The LD1/CKMB Control has an assured refrigerated stability of two years when lyophilized and for five days refrigerated after reconstitution. As an alternative, the bulk product can be shipped frozen for the customer to dispense and lyophilized (2 liter minimum).  Customers interested in lyophilized linearity verifiers are encouraged to order our SC-103CAL LD1/CKMB Calibrator.

  • SC-103 6X2.0 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liters min) normal, elevated or specify range
  • SC-103CAL 6X2.0 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liters min) normal, elevated or specify range calibrators


Lactic Dehydrogenase Control

ACS’s human enzyme controls are prepared in a stabilized serum base and perform in most currently run electrophoresis procedures. Retail customers can purchase an elevated control routinely set at about 700 units of LD per liter.  OEM customers may pick from a wide range of LD levels. The ACS staff can set the values for both the fractions and the total in a range from normal to highly elevated.  The LD Electrophoresis Control has an assured refrigerated stability of two years when lyophilized and for five days refrigerated after reconstitution. The bulk product can be shipped frozen for the customer to dispense and lyophilized (2 liter minimum).

  • SC-104 6X0.5ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liters min) elevated total LD.  Normal or specify range by  special order
Typical LD Isoenzyme Results


Creatinine Phosphokinase Control

ACS’s human enzyme controls are prepared in a stabilized serum base and perform in most currently run electrophoresis procedures. Retail customers can purchase an elevated control routinely set around 900 units of CK per liter.  OEM customers may pick from a wide range of CK levels. The ACS staff can set the values for both the fractions and the total in a range from normal to highly elevated.  The CK Control has an assured refrigerated stability of two years when lyophilized and for five days refrigerated after reconstitution. The bulk product can be shipped frozen for the customer to dispense and lyophilized (2 liter minimum).

  • SC-105 6X0.5 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liters min) elevated total CK.   Normal or specify range by special order


Alkaline Phosphatase Control

ACS’s Alkaline Phosphatase Controls are prepared from human source materials. They contain liver and placental alkaline phophatase isoenzymes and do not exhibit the characteristic “regeneration” of activity that whole lyophilized controls reportedly display. The isoenzymes separate well on traditional techniques such as cellulose acetate and agrose media. They also perform well on isoelectric focusing procedures.

  • SC-106 6X0.5 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liter min)


Total Protein Control, Normal & Abnormal

ACS’s total protein electrophoresis controls can be prepared with almost any human disease specific pattern. The normal pattern control has a normal electrophoresis pattern and contain from 5.5-7.0 gm/dl total protein. The abnormal controls can be prepared as a non-specific inflammatory, monoclonal gammopathies or other disease patterns at an OEM customer’s discretion. Controls can be prepared with varying haptoglobin levels as well. The controls are all prepared in a clear serum base and hence are suitable for nephlometry controls as well as electrophoresis markers.

  • SC-109 6X0.5 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liters min) normal control
  • SC-109AB 6X0.5 ml, bulk vials or bulk liquid (2 liter min) abnormal control


Clear Human Serum Base

ACS’s clear serum base conforms to high standards and is an ideal product for preparing turbidity sensitive controls such as nephelometry calibrators. The product contains normal levels of human serum proteins with the exception of the beta-lipoproteins. The customer may purchase the serum base as either total or partially delipidized human serum. ACS also adjusts the total protein level to customer specification with elevated protein material exhibiting increased concentrations of individual fractions. Optical density for the totally delipidized product at 710 nanometers is less than 0.0050 A in a 1.0 centimeter light path. ACS’s standard quality control procedure certifies analysis values using electrophoresis techniques. If desired, we will run other assays at a small additional cost. The product is shipped frozen with or without preservatives at the customer’s request.

  • SC-118 1 liter bulk liquid base


Glucose Base

Due to human serum’s tendency for slow glycation, human serum protein based glucose materials are inappropriate as long term controls. ACS has developed a protein base that does not glycate. When liquid or lyophilized controls are prepared in this base, the product has an excellent stability and performs in glucose testing similarly to human serum. This animal based material is free from the possibility of human-blood-borne pathogens and is an ideal material for standard and quality controls for near patient care instruments.

  • SC-119 1 liter bulk liquid base


Glycosylated Serum Calibrator, Normal & Elevated

An important measure of the diabetic’s compliance with diet and medication regimens is the amount of glycated proteins. Many clinicians feel the measurement of glycated serum protein to be a worthwhile diagnostic test. ACS offers a clear serum material in either elevated or normal range for glycated protein. The material performs well in either colorimetric or other assays and has excellent stability.

This Product is Available OEM Only
  • SC-124 6X0.5 ml or bulk vials normal  calibrator
  • SC-124EL 6X0.5 ml or bulk vials elevated  calibrator
Glycosylated Serum Calibrator


Zero Calibrator

Since CLIA mandated testing has been enacted, there is a need for linearity testing materials for nearly every laboratory test. Preparing markedly elevated material for testing may only require the addition of the desired analyte or analytes. However, preparing a protein based material that is truly “zero” level in target constituents is not so easily done. ACS has developed a protein material that is zero or near zero for all clinically important parameters. This material allow the user to develop linear calibrators that when graphed go through zero for all constituents except total protein.

  • SC-129 30.0 ml calibrator


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Control, Normal & Elevated

Angiotensin II is a potent, bioactive vasoconstrictor. Because of its potency it is a target for hypertensive active drugs such as Captoril. Angiotensin II is produced by the action of a peptide hydrolase upon the substrate angiotensen I. Angiotensin I is relatively inactive while the product angiotensin II is a potent regulator of blood flow. This peptide hydrolase commonly called angiotensin converting enzyme II is a useful diagnostic tool. Its activity is responsible for the production of Angiotensin II. Clinical research has shown its activity to be high in sorcoidosis, RDS, TB, Gaucher’s disease and other lung disease. Serially measured, the accurate determination of ACE is a useful monitor of disease progress.

  • SC-132 6 X 1 ml normal control
  • SC-132EL 6 X 1 ml elevated control

Retail Prices