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SPAT™/ PAA™ and the Detection of Platelet Inhibition from Anesthetics

Anesthetics and Platelet Inhibition as Measured by SPAT/PAA

A study performed at Analytical Control Systems, Inc. (Feb. 2000) by Pauline Bonderman to determine if platelet inhibition is caused by five different anesthetics.

Platelet function is inhibited by many common pain killers. This study was to determine if platelet inhibition is created by the use of five different anesthetics. Anesthetics were mixed with a patient’s normal plasma and the level of platelet inhibition was noted with SPAT™ (PAA™).



Mixing Concentration

1:50 1:100 1:1000
Isoflurane 50 seconds 44 seconds 25 seconds
Xylazine 300 seconds 114 seconds 33 seconds
Pentobarb 50 seconds 53 seconds 25 seconds
Telozal 65 seconds 47 seconds 28 seconds
Buprenex 35 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds
Telozal & Xylazine Inhibited Inhibited Inhibited

Normal value for this patient (n = 4) was 41 seconds with a range of 38-42 seconds. This study suggests that anesthetics commonly produce some inhibition of the PAA platelet function. The greatest level of inhibition was seen with a combination of Telozal and Xylazine which totally inhibited PAA platelet aggregation. Highly prolonged results for this patient were obtained with the use of Xylazine but effects were noted with all but Buprenex.


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