317-841-0458 317-841-3186 Analytical Control Systems, Inc.
Spectra APCT, SPAT and APTT: How They Work Together Suggested Coagulation Testing Scheme Spectra APCT, SPAT and APTT when used together as a screening package are very effective in detecting abnormalities in the intrinsic system and platelet dysfunction.
S pectra APCT and SPAT were designed to be run together. When combined with the APTT test, they work to efficiently locate potential dysfunction in the intrinsic system and with a patient's platelets. Although it is necessary to fully investigate a coagulation disorder with all tests available to a laboratory, these three can screen for problems and cover a wider range than screening with APTT (& PT) alone.
Step 1. Run APCT Normal Intrinsic system and platelet factor 3 release normal. With a normal screen it is not always necessary to order a SPAT/ PAA or an APTT. or Abnormal Intrinsic system abnormality, platelet problem or testing error present. Repeat APCT then run APTT and SPAT or PAA.
Step 2. Run APTT Normal Intrinsic system normal. Check platelets by running SPAT. or Abnormal Intrinsic system abnormality, circulating anticoagulant or testing error present.
Step 3. Run SPAT Normal Platelet aggregation normal. Check intrinsic factors by running APTT. or Abnormal Platelet aggregation abnormality or testing error. Consider running PAA platelet aggregometery.