317-841-0458 317-841-3186 Analytical Control Systems, Inc.
Clinical Data Determination of Expected Values and Precision for the Spectra APCT A study was run to determine the normal range of the Spectra APCT test using platelet rich plasma, platelet poor plasma and platelet depleted plasma. The method used was the same as is in the Spectra APCT package insert.
R esults of the study to set the normal ranges for Spectra APCT with platelet rich plasma were as follows:
Table 3. Normal values for Spectra APCT with platelet rich plasma fall between 23-40 seconds.
Since the normal ranges for the patented Spectra APCT for platelet rich plasma and APTT tests are very similar, it is easy to become acquainted with the Spectra APCT test. The instrument is the same; the techniques are similar. Running the Spectra APCT test instead of an APTT test as the first test for intrinsic system problems would enable the laboratorian to quickly increase the range of the laboratory's screening program. ACS recommends running Spectra APCT with platelet poor plasma or platelet depleted plasma when extra sensitivity to the Lupus Anticoagulant or heparin therapy is needed. The normal ranges for platelet poor plasma and platelet depleted plasma are as follows:
When the Spectra APCT test is run with platelet poor plasma or platelet depleted plasma, the test is even more sensitive to the effects of the Lupus Anticoagulant. Since the diagnosis of Lupus Anticoagulant can be masked by the added phospholipid in APTT reagents, Spectra APCT's unique configuration is especially useful.